Do you Amazon? The new Amazon delivery tracking just blew me away yesterday! Have you seen it? I was getting an Amazon package delivered yesterday, and I knew it was out for delivery, but when I checked on it in my iPhone app, what I saw made me giggle like Read more
Today, April 30, 2017, is the last official day of this Camp NaNoWriMo session. So, I thought it would be a good day to share my thoughts on how it went, my camper experience, so to speak.
Well, it finally happened! The year 2016 is officially in the history books. Thank God for that. If the year wasn't challenging enough, on the very last day of the year, I learned that my car will require about $700 in repairs before I can drive it again. See what I mean about 2016?
This is my first blog post in over two months. So, where have I been? What about Camp NaNoWriMo? These answers and more – coming up! Luckily, my blog doesn’t have many readers yet, so I doubt that my absence has even been noticed. However, I do like to keep Read more
Camp NaNoWriMo has begun! I’ve been introduced to my cabin mates at Camp NaNoWriMo, and I’ve done a little bit of writing on my way to 50,000 words, and the first draft of my first novel. The working title of my novel is The Company Game, and the story is Read more
Beginning in a few days, I will begin pumping out a massive amount of words (for me, anyway) for a month. I signed up for the April 2016 Camp NaNoWriMo event. No one coerced me, no one forced me, no one even suggested that I do this. I am doing Read more
It’s alive! It’s alive! Hello! Welcome and Happy Easter! Well, after months of being deep in the bowels of PHP, is finally live! I was hoping to have more content available for opening day, but that just didn’t happen. However, as you will see by browsing the pages on Read more
To know thy faults is to know thyself. When we look in the mirror, we’re supposed to see a reflection of ourselves. But do we really see it? Or do we only see what we want to see? When I look in the mirror, I see the fault in me.
I thought this would be an appropriate topic for the #BloggORS Challenge. This will put a little more of me – albeit a not-so-good part – out there. I think we’ve all probably had them, either as a child or as an adult – or both, but bad dreams and Read more
This is my first contribution to the #BloggORS challenge, created by @lexberju. Why do I want to write? That’s a good question. I hope my answer is just as good.