How’s your faith these days? Feeling pretty good about it? You’re not sure? You gave it up? Regardless of where your faith guage might be on this particular day, I would like to tell you about a very enjoyable faith-based experience I had and give you my Faith Grows Podcast review of Read more
I’ve been using Amazon Alexa devices for over a year. At least once a month, I get an email from Amazon telling me about the cool things Alexa can do. I just received such an email, and the subject was Send a Mother’s Day greeting with Alexa. So, I asked Read more
Quick Cat Nav Best Texas Book Most Engaged Author Best Non-Fiction Best Literary Fiction Best Mystery/Suspense/Thriller Best Spiritual/Insirational Best Romance Best Western Best Historical Fiction Best Fantasy/Paranormal/Alt History Most Creative Concept/Best Hook Best Series CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2018 LONE STAR BOOK BLOG TOURS BLOGGERS’ CHOICE AWARDS WINNERS AND FINALISTS The Read more
“Excuse me, but can I have a roll of $41,484 e-stamps?” That’s a pretty ridiculous question, isn’t it? I mean, who’s going to buy a stamp that costs $41,484, much less an entire roll of them! Besides, we’re talking about email here. Email never costs anything to send. Right? WRONG!
A Friend in Death It is Death. No longer foe, An adversary not. My dreams it frequents. My psyche it befriends. For Death, it’s Camelot.
I’m writing this on May 1st, even though Mother’s Day isn’t until the 13th. However, I won’t post it until Mother’s Day. I wanted to write this today to better capture the way I feel inside at this particular moment in my life. This will be the first Mother’s Day Read more
Today (April 23, 2018) is World Book Day 2018! So – Happy World Book Day to you and yours! Did you know today is World Book Day? I wouldn’t have either, except that I came across a little blurb in some semi-spam email last week. I was delighted to see Read more
How long is two hours? Do you think you could live and love in two hours? Probably not. After all, what can you do in two hours? You can watch four I Love Lucy reruns. Or you can read a few chapters in a book. You can drink several cups Read more