Publisher: Independently published
Date of Publication: April 7, 2020
Number of Pages: 253

Jack Cowherd will do anything to win the Texas governorship, even flirt with twenty-first-century secessionists in the Texas Patriot Party. Victory is achieved, but only at the cost of Texas being tossed out of the United States. The Republic of Texas lives again! And Jack is president.
Friend and political advisor Tasha Longoria has long warned Jack of the dangers of his demagoguery. Now when he tries to halt the madness, the worst comes to pass: he is impeached, arrested, and charged with treason, the penalty for which is death.
Jack has but one chance to save his beloved Texas, not to mention his life. But success depends upon help from the one person least likely to give it . . . Tasha.

Clueless Gent’s Rating
The Republic of Jack is a satirical glimpse into Texas politics, as well as a look at what life might be like in Texas if she ever seceded from the United States. The author, Jeffrey Kerr, has written several other Texas-based books. I do believe, however, that rather than using this book as a cry to rally the Texas troops, Kerr is using it as a means to tell Texans, be careful what you wish for.
What would a satire be without stereotypes? Kerr’s cast is well-stocked with them. There is the politician who will stop at nothing to get the votes he wants, no matter how ridiculous or ill-advised it is. Then there is the one who walks in the shadow of the one taking the heat, only to turn on him at the first available opportunity. To his credit, Kerr also included some politicians who are very stalwart in their service. And there is also the must-have group of politicians who sway in the direction of whatever wind is blowing the hardest. Add to that some political staff and a couple political wives and you have the assembled cast of this story.
It would not surprise me if the author sculpted some or all of the characters from actual Texas politicians. I could probably venture a guess at some of them; but I won’t. However, to tell a story such as this, characters such as these are very necessary.
I do not consider this story a comedy, but it definitely has its moments. To begin with, the names of the characters are quite ingenious. The protagonist, Jack Cowherd, has his last name pronounced as “coward” by some, and as “cow-herd” by others, depending on their opinion of him. Another character is named Charlie Clutterbuck. I thought that name was pretty funny, but after I checked, there were several hits in my Google search.
Another bit of ingenuity the author used was the actual reason Texas seceded from the union. She was thrown out by the President of the United States, with the approval of state governors. Of all the ways Texas could secede, I would have never come up with that one.
I do wish Kerr would have included more examples of the federal benefits that Texans would have to forfeit if there was ever a secession. There were some, but I know there are many more.
Even though this is not a comedy, there is quite a bit of humor. Some of it is pretty dry, and some of it seems forced. What I mean is, there would be some funny dialogue near the end of a scene, but instead of ending with it, the scene continued and the humor was lost.
The book was well edited. There were some pretty huge character arcs. I suppose that would have to be expected in a story like this. Without them, the story would end much differently, I’m sure. The pacing was also good, with a fine lead into the climax.
With these politics and these politicians, God help Texas!
If you’re a Texan or know a Texan or thought about Texans, you need to read this book. I’m still chuckling from some of the humor!

Jeffrey Kerr is the author of three nonfiction books on Texas history, a historical novel, and, most recently, The Republic of Jack, a satirical novel that imagines Texas as an independent country in the twenty-first century. His history of Austin’s founding, Seat of Empire: The Embattled Birth of Austin, Texas, was named one of sixty essential books about Texas by Michael Barnes of the Austin American-Statesman. Kerr also co-wrote and co-produced the documentary film, The Last of the Moonlight Towers, and a feature film, the psychological thriller Writer’s Block. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and two dogs.

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One thought on “The Republic of Jack”
Great review! We definitely need a reason to laugh right now, and this sounds like a fun way to get the giggles. Thanks for the post.