Publisher: Progressive Rising Phoenix Press
Date of Publication: May 1, 2019
Number of Pages: 432

Hannah Gunner, once a carefree child, is faced with secrets, lies, and betrayal. A life-changing event during her adolescent years forces her to confront a past that she no longer recognizes. Now, questioning everything she thought she knew, Hannah struggles with the person she is supposed to be! With the help of her boyfriend and her closest friend, they discover several clues that may hold the missing links to her life.
A tattered box filled with worn-out letters holds some of the answers that she needs, but not all of them. With an assist from her aunt, and a visitor from her past, Hannah manages to track down the only person in the world who can answer her questions—the Captain! But why did those closest to her lie in the first place? Will Hannah ever find the answers that she needs to bring her peace?
Suspenseful, engaging, and with twists and turns that make it impossible to put down, this is a book filled with surprises.

Author Amanda Thrasher talks about what was left
on the cutting room floor from her book Captain Fin
I cut out a couple of scenes from Hannah’s early childhood school days. It wasn’t that I didn’t like them, because I really, really did, or that the quality of writing wasn’t there. I felt like the scenes were written well, but, they weren’t needed. I had to ask myself if they were really relevant to the story? Would they make a difference? And the answer was, no.
I enjoyed writing Hannah’s early school days, her mom’s visit with the teacher, and the disappointment that every parent feels when they know their child is in trouble. When it comes to slicing and dicing scenes, it’s hard, but over time you realize why you need to eliminate the passages that you do. I think the book was better without those scenes because it sped up the cadence. But secretly, I wished I could have found a way to make them work. Knowing I couldn’t, I think, represents growth as a writer.

Amanda M. Thrasher was born in England, moved to Texas, and resides there still. Amanda has authored picture books, middle-grade chapter books, early readers, young adult pieces, and a graphic novel written specifically for the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center.
Amanda is a multiple Gold Recipient of The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) for YA, General Fiction, and early reader chapter books, a Readers’ Favorite International Book Award winner for YA Social Issues, an NTBF winner for YA and General Fiction, and she was awarded a New Apple Literary Award for YA and general fiction.
As Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Progressive Rising Phoenix Press, she assists other authors with their work and shares her writing process and publishing experience with them. Her latest release, CAPTAIN FIN, was based on a contract to adapt a screenplay into a novel for the director, actor, and producer Kevin James O’Neill. Her works-in-progress are the sequel to CAPTAIN FIN and the fourth installment of her Mischief Series.

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